Strategies to Tackle Skyrocketing College Costs

ClearPath Financial Partners Podcast
ClearPath Financial Partners
Strategies to Tackle Skyrocketing College Costs

The cost of college is out of this world. Ryan M. Kittredge, CFP®, ChFC® President, Financial Advisor, at ClearPath Financial Partners gives us advice on how to prepare. Some people are planners and they may start investing the day the child is born. That’s not most of us. Young parents have a lot on their plate. Often times grandparents can make helping with a child’s tuition part of their savings plan. Parents can use a 529 college savings plan. In MA that is the U. Fund. Ryan goes through exactly how the Fidelity U. Fund and other types of funds work. Ryan also talks about what you can do when college is right around the corner and you haven’t had as much time to save.